Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy (OMT) aims to improve the resting posture of the muscles of the mouth (oro) and face (facial) through neurological re-training exercises. You may be referred for OMT by your dentist or orthodontist if you exhibit an Orofacial Myofunctional Disoder (OMD), such as a tongue thrust swallow or tongue tie that is effecting your dental development and/or bite. Proper oral rest posture and proper swallowing technique are the primary goals of therapy. Achieving proper oral rest posture can also lead to improvements in your bite, breathing, and articulation.
Unsure if OMT is right for you? CLICK HERE to schedule a FREE 15-minute phone consultation
OMT Program
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy targets improving oral rest posture and swallowing technique through neuro-retraining exercises. As we are working with neuroplasticity (the brain’s ability to form neural pathways), the treatment is intensive and occurs over a 12-18 month period (don't worry, you're only in "therapy" for 3-4 of those months!).
Our treatment program is divided into 5 Goals. The first 3 Goals involve weekly or biweekly sessions with your clinician, and home practice 3x/day. Time commitment wise you can expect to spend 2-4 months in the “active” part of therapy. Once you’ve achieved goals 1-4, you will move into the “inactive” part of therapy, where you’re no longer working with your clinician regularly but will continue with home practice once a day until the new neural connections have fully formed.
Intervention starts with a comprehensive assessment that includes a case history/interview, examination of the orofacial structures/muscles, and swallowing assessment. During the assessment your clinician will be assessing your oral rest posture and swallowing technique. The swallowing portion of the assessment involves eating/drinking small amounts of water and snack foods.
Each week you will be learning a new set of exercises with your clinician. During the session you will be reviewing the previous week's exercises, learning the new exercises, and then doing a full set of each of the new exercises. This means your treatment sessions count as one of your 'practice sessions' for the day.
The therapy sessions are 20-30 minutes long. The length depends on how much help you need learning the exercises and how long it takes to complete them. Your clinician will be happy to provide extra practice activities if you're done the new exercises early.
*Please note if the cost of therapy is a barrier, we have some alternative options available
Clients are often referred for OMT treatment by their orthodontist when they are about to start orthodontic treatment or treatment is already in progress. It is ideal to begin OMT treatment early on in your orthodontic treatment. If your tongue is pushing against your teeth when you swallow, it could slow (or even stop) your orthodontic progress. Treating your tongue thrust is an important step in avoiding orthodontic relapse.
The number of treatment sessions required varies per person, and it dependent on how quickly you are able to "master" the exercises. Total therapy sessions required ranges from 8-13 sessions over the 3-4 month "active" part of therapy. Each therapy session costs $140. Please see below for our full pricing guide.
Once you move into Goal 5 ("retention" part of therapy) you can come back for optional "check-in" sessions which are only 15 minutes long (and half the cost).
*Please note if the cost of therapy is a barrier, we have some alternative options available
Contact us to explore our therapy options
Pricing for OMT
*prices are subject to change
The assessment consists of extensive case history, examination of the muscles and structures of the face, mouth, and neck, as well as a swallowing evaluation. The fee also includes an assessment summary and recommendations. Full report available upon request for no additional fee.
Comprehensive Assessment
30 minute OMT treatment session with a clinician. You will be provided with exercise sheets, detailed homework instructions, and video examples after each session, as well as any materials needed for the exercises. We recommend these sessions take place in-person, however, virtual sessions are also available.
Single Treatment Session
15 minute “check-in” session with your clinician. This treatment option is designed for clients who are in Goal 5 and want to check on their progress but don’t require a full therapy session. Also available for clients completing the “self-guided” therapy program. These sessions can be done in-person or virtually. Available in ONLINE BOOKING
Single Check-in Session
You may be referred to an SLP for OMT by your dentist or orthodontist if they feel you are suffering from an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) or tongue thrust that is effecting your dental development. OMT is most successful when a ‘multidisciplinary approach’ is taken. SLPs are experts in the muscles involved in speech and swallowing, and therefor are qualified to treat OMDs. Strathcona Speech clinicians have advanced training in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy.
This will depend on your specific insurance plan, but most do not offer specific coverage for myofunctional therapy. HOWEVER, as all of our clinicians are Registered Speech-Language Pathologists, myofunctional therapy sessions are covered under “speech therapy”. This is another benefit of doing myofunctional therapy with an SLP!
The total cast will vary person to person and depends on the age of the client and how long it takes them to acquire all necessary skills. For children under the age of 9, they will likely do our “tiny tongues” program which is much shorter than the full treatment program.
Our full treatment programs generally take 8-14 sessions, so you can expect a full program to cost $1120 to $1960. We also offer some alternative therapy options for those looking to reduce the overall cost. We charge per session and are able to provide direct billing for some major insurance companies.
Parental involvement and encouragement are important and necessary to successful completion of this program. Due to the nature of therapy. a practice partner is required. Parents will not necessarily be required to attend every full therapy session, but they must be available to learn the new exercises and how to support their child with the practice each week.
Your clinician will give you specific instructions for each exercise, but generally it is recommended that you practice 3 times per day, for 10-15 minutes each time.
With Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy we are working with neuroplasticity: the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization. This takes time and repetition to happen, which is why consistent and frequent home practice is so important. You will hear your clinician refer to “frequency” and “duration” a lot during your treatment program, as these are key factors in success of OMT.
Good question! Our OMT treatment framework is very effective with good and consistent home practice. It must be noted that successful completion of this program is dependent upon patient desire, good attitude, and self-motivation. Parental involvement and encouragement are important and necessary.
Only the dedicated participation and cooperation of the patient can guarantee correct resting posture and swallowing pattern results.
A tongue tie, or ‘lingual frenulum’ refers to a small piece of tissue at the bottom of the tongue that normally disappears during fetal development. Tongue ties commonly restrict the movement of the tongue, and can result in the tongue having a habitual resting posture on the floor of the mouth. Tongue ties can also cause problems with articulation (‘L’ and ‘R’ especially), chewing, sucking and swallowing. If a Tongue Tie release is recommended by a dental professional, you will likely need OMT as well. It is often recommended to being an OMT program prior to the surgery, and with a clinician who has advanced training in tongue tie releases.
Looking for more information about Orofacial Myofunctional disorders? Check out our resource links.