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Self-Guided Therapy

Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

Interested in pursuing OMT but can’t afford private therapy? Our self-guided course is a better alternative than attempting to correct the problem yourself by watching online videos and is a fraction of the cost of 1:1 treatment.

Self-Guided OMT


♦ full treatment program
♦ complete  at your own pace


◊ full treatment program
◊  includes 1 on 1 instruction session with SLP

*assessment must be completed prior to course access being granted

What you can expect

Our OMT program is divided into 5 different goal areas. Each goal contains weekly or biweekly lessons which you must complete to achieve the goal. The lessons are made up of different exercises that you’ll learn through written and visual instructions. You can expect to spend 3-4 months completing the online lessons.

What you’ll learn


Book a FREE 15-minute consultation
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312-119 W Pender St.
Vancouver, BC