Speech & Language Therapy Services
Myofunctional Therapy & Speech-Language Pathology services in Vancouver, BC
Book a free phone consultation today
Referred by your dentist or orthodontist for a tongue thrust, tongue tie, or myofunctional therapy? Click here!
If you have been waiting to be contacted by us in regards to a referral, please feel free to reach out to us directly. Some of our referring dental providers are experiencing email issues resulting in delayed/lost referrals.
Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders EDUCATION now offered!
Private 2 hour in-person or online education session
available for orthodontists, dentists, and other health care providers interested in learning about OMDs & their effects
OMT referral partners.
Interested in referring patients to us for orofacial myofunctional therapy? A referral isn’t required for patients to receive services, however, it may speed up the process. Fill out the referral form and return to us by mail or email. We also have an Information Sheet available for you to distribute to your patients who have been referred.
We are now offering myofunctional therapy education for dental and orthodontic practices. If you are interested in scheduling a 2 hour education session for your staff please contact us to inquire.
Functional Communication.
We focus on functional communication to promote autonomy and independence. Your treatment plan may include traditional speech therapy, but will also include functional activities and goals such as ordering coffee at your favourite café or asking for assistance at a grocery store.
We place value on all types of communication, whether it be verbal, non-verbal, or AAC. Getting your message across is what matters, the method is less important.
Personalized treatment plans.
You are the expert on you, which is why all treatment plans are made in collaboration with you and your support team. We offer appointments at your home, online, or in the community so you can get the support you need, where you need it.

“Good communication is just as stimulating as black coffee, and just as hard to sleep after.”
— Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Contact us.
Online Booking available through ‘BOOK NOW’ button
(236) 992-8544
119 W Pender St, #312, Vancouver BC
Our clinicians are Registered Speech-Language Pathologists in good standing with the College of Health & Care Professionals of BC.